contact Gerard Rennick

senator Gerard Rennick Contact information

Here you will find contact information for senator Gerard Rennick, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameGerard Rennick
PartyLiberal National Party of Queensland
Mailing AddressTenancy C4, Level 1 90 Kittyhawk Drive Chermside, QLD, 4032
Phone(07) 3252 7101
Mailing AddressPO Box 6100 Senate Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600
Phone(02) 6277 3666
fax 1
emailEmail Form
Contact Senator Gerard Rennick
Gerard Rennick is an Australian politician who has been a Senator for Queensland since July 2019. He is a member of the Liberal National Party of Queensland and sits with the Liberal Party in federal parliament.

Gerard Rennick for senator

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Gerard was born and raised on a family farming property just outside Chinchilla, on Queensland’s Darling Downs. Thanks to his upbringing and childhood experiences, Gerard maintains a deep appreciation for the land, its people and the challenges they face.

Gerard completed his secondary education in Toowoomba, before moving to Brisbane where he completed a Commerce degree at the University of Queensland – and later a Master’s degree in Taxation Law and another in Applied Finance.

Gerard has extensive experience in senior finance roles across a range of industries, business types and countries. His experience gives him a strong understanding of our economy and how it affects consumers, investors, employers and employees. Gerard also understands the importance of reward for effort and will always strive to ensure that Australia’s small to medium-sized businesses are given every opportunity to succeed.

Gerard’s background means that he understands sound business principles; and as an LNP Senator for Queensland, he recognises the value of strong economic management, property rights and a just legal system. He is passionate about sustainable land management and ensuring the delivery of sovereign infrastructure and essential services.

He is a happily married father of three children.

Gerard wants to ensure that our children get the same opportunities that our forefathers gave to us. Our forefathers made many sacrifices to make Australia the great country it is today. It is vital that we strive to uphold their legacy and remember their sacrifices.

From its humble beginnings, Australia has become of one of the most tolerant, vibrant and prosperous countries in the world. Gerard believes Australia’s success is thanks to the pioneering spirit of our forefathers.

Australia was built by the working class. It is those people who get out of bed everyday and put their nose to the grindstone must be protected and rewarded. Gerard will fight for all Australian’s, especially those who try to stand up for themselves.

Gerard believes in small government and is determined to foster a culture where the individual is empowered to take personal responsibility and the authority of the institutions is restrained. The role of government is to serve the people, not enslave them. Governments need to get out of the classroom, family home and corporate boardroom and get back to building sovereign infrastructure that provides essential services.

Gerard wants to drive changes in tax and monetary policy to ensure that corporations pay their fair share of tax and don’t control Australia’s infrastructure. He is also about Federation reform in order to end the blame game and end waste on bureaucratic overreach.

In his travels, the common theme that Gerard encountered was that all people, regardless of their race want the same thing – to be free from hunger and thirst, a roof over their head and job security. What binds the human race together is much more than what drives us apart. He believes that government must promote a unified Australia, rather than ideologies that seek to divide it.


I believe Australia needs a flatter and broader tax base, especially lower income taxes. The taxation act is littered with loopholes that favour foreign corporations and discourage productivity. The Australian Taxation System needs to be restructured so that all Australians are operating on a level playing field and more money stays in your pocket. In particular, income tax should be abolished for those earning less than the cost of living.

Because of tax treaties, profits from large foreign-owned multinationals are taxed at a lower rate than profits retained in Australia. The tax system acts as a reverse tariff on entities domiciled here in Australia, sending profits and business offshore because of the regulatory and taxation burden placed on them. The solution to this is to ensure that the withholding tax rate on profits transferred offshore is the same as the tax rate on profits retained in Australia.

Increasing withholding tax revenue could fund cuts in both income tax and payroll tax. This would give workers more money in their pockets, increase business turnover and boost productivity.


Australia needs to be able to stand on its own two feet when it comes to manufacturing and building and owning infrastructure. The sale of Australia’s infrastructure to offshore interests was a mistake. Infrastructure that underpins our economy and way of life must remain Australian owned. Likewise Australia must have a manufacturing industry to ensure Australia is not dependent on other countries for vital goods and services.

It is therefore imperative that Australia has cheap reliable baseload energy that is owned and operated by Australian government. Australia should also seek to drought-proof as much of its land mass through dam construction.


Australia desperately needs monetary reform. The RBA should be accountable to the government of the day as their decisions do impact Australians. Australia should not just rely on Qualitative easing (changing interest rates) but also use Quantitative easing to fund infrastructure and Macroprudential measures to control capital funding. Interest rate manipulation has only punished savers and prospective home buyers.

The RBA should fund an infrastructure bank to build dams, power stations, railways, roads and ports. Focus should be on building Nuclear and high-efficiency coal power plants to power Australia into the next century and create manufacturing jobs in Australia. Profits from the bank can be used to provide better services.

Today, more than ever, governments need to build income-generating infrastructure such as dams, power stations, rail and ports. Just as Governor Macquarie funded an ambitious building program through the issue of the Holey Dollar, a government owned infrastructure bank should be created to do the same. Funding could come from infrastructure bonds and superannuation. These measures would provide essential, world class services, employment and fixed income for retirees. It is a much better option than interest rate manipulation which has only punished savers and prospective homebuyers.

Setting up an infrastructure bank funded by the RBA would build dams and weirs, providing water security, hydroelectricity, and flood mitigation. Nuclear and high-efficiency coal power plants will keep families’ and businesses’ lights on well into the next century and keep manufacturing and construction jobs in Australia. The profit from infrastructure owned by the people would provide world class services for all Australians.


Australian businesses are forced to navigate excessive regulation, frustrating business owners and strangling growth. Of all the issues faced by Australia, few are more damaging to our country than the fiscal imbalance and ambiguous responsibilities between state and federal governments. You’ve really got to ask why Australia, a country of 25 million people, has nine growing health bureaucracies while maternity wards are being closed in my home state of Queensland.

Our Constitution was designed to hold government to account by the people, yet 120 years of compromise has rendered it ineffective. It is time to hold a Constitutional Convention to clearly define and separate these responsibilities, with proposed changes put to a referendum. Australians deserve greater accountability and need less regulation if our children are to prosper.


Government overreach needs to be curtailed. Over the last few decades governments have marched into the family home, the doctors waiting room and the classroom, telling people how to live their lives, parents how to raise their children and owners how to run their businesses. The jackboot of bureaucracy is suffocating everyday choices, the very thing liberal democratic governments are meant to defend. Is it any wonder that people are cynical about governments when they unable to provide essential services while imposing more and more regulation!


The greatest threat to the environment is climate change alarmism. Money is being misdirected into “renewable energy” projects that are neither renewable, cheap or good for the environment.

Real solutions aimed at reducing plastics, maintaining riparian zones, protecting biodiversity and land management should be the key environmental priorities.

This page is sourced primarily from official senator Gerard Rennick's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.