contact Kevin Hogan

Representative Kevin Hogan Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Kevin Hogan, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameKevin Hogan
StateNew South Wales
PartyThe Nationals
Mailing Address63 Molesworth Street Lismore, NSW, 2480
Phone(02) 6621 4044
Mailing AddressPO Box 6022 House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600
Phone(02) 6277 4746
fax 1(02) 6621 4255
emailEmail Form
Contact representative Kevin Hogan
Kevin John Hogan is an Australian politician who has been a member of the Australian House of Representatives since September 2013, representing the Division of Page in New South Wales.

Kevin Hogan for Representative

Kevin John Hogan is an Australian politician who has been a member of the Australian House of Representatives since September 2013, representing the Division of Page in New South Wales. He was born on August 11, 1963, in Port Augusta, South Australia, and graduated from Flinders University with a Bachelor of Economics degree in 1984. After completing his degree, he worked in finance and managed a multibillion-dollar portfolio at Colonial State Bank for ten years. He married Karen in 1993, and they returned to Karen’s hometown of Lismore in 1998. Hogan completed a Graduate Diploma in Education in 1998 at Southern Cross University and taught Business Studies and Commerce at St Mary’s High School in Casino from 1999 until 2006.

Hogan ran as the Nationals candidate for the Division of Page in the 2010 election but was defeated by the incumbent Australian Labor Party candidate Janelle Saffin. He ran again at the 2013 election and won, securing a two-party-preferred swing of 6.7 points. He campaigned heavily on cost of living issues, jobs, and the duplication of the Pacific Highway. Hogan was re-elected in the 2016 and 2019 federal elections, with a swing of seven percent at the latter, making Page a safe National seat.

Upon entering Australia’s 44th Federal Parliament as a member of the Coalition government, Hogan was appointed to the Finance Select Committee. In March 2018, he was elected as the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives. In August 2018, he moved to the crossbench as an “Independent National” after Peter Dutton’s unsuccessful attempt to oust Malcolm Turnbull as leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister. However, he continued to support the Coalition on confidence and supply matters and remained in the National party room.

In May 2019, Hogan announced that he was returning to the Coalition benches, citing rule changes in the Liberal Party to discourage challenges to sitting Prime Ministers and the recent election results that showed that the public wanted a Coalition government. In February 2020, he was promoted to the Morrison Ministry as the Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Kevin Hogan's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.