contact Sam Rae

Representative Sam Rae Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Sam Rae, including phone number, and mailing address.

NameSam Rae
PartyAustralian Labor Party
Mailing Address100 McKenzie St Melton, VIC, 3337
Phone(03) 9070 1960
Mailing AddressPO Box 6022 House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600
Phone(02) 6277 4924
fax 1
emailEmail Form
Contact Representative Sam Rae
Samuel Thomas Rae is an Australian politician who was born on September 26, 1986.

Sam Rae for Representative

Samuel Thomas Rae is an Australian politician who was born on September 26, 1986. He has made headlines due to his recent election as a member of the Australian House of Representatives for the new seat of Hawke during the 2022 Australian federal election. Before becoming a Member of Parliament, Rae worked as a state secretary for the Labor Party.

However, Rae faced controversy in March 2023, when he was accused of making a derogatory comment during a session of Parliament. It was alleged that he yelled, “at least I have my own children,” at his Liberal opponent, Angie Bell, during her maiden speech. Bell is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and has four adult children with her partner Ros.

Rae has denied these accusations, but Bell filed a formal complaint about the incident. The situation has sparked a public debate about the use of personal attacks in politics and the need for respectful discourse in the Australian Parliament.

This page is sourced primarily from official Representative Sam Rae's Website. Consider visiting your representative's official website for the latest updates.